How to Read Tide Times: A Beginner’s Guide

For anyone planning to spend time at the coast, understanding when the tides will be coming in and going out is essential. Whether you're looking to avoid choppy waves or want to know when would be a good time for a beach stroll, the ability to read tide times is an important skill to have. In this guide, we'll help you learn how to read tide times like a pro, with a particular focus on using Tidepieces' tide clocks.

Understanding Tide Cycles

Tides are produced by the moon's and sun's gravitational influence on the Earth's seas. The waves cycle through two high and two low periods within 24 hours and 50 minutes. The time between one high tide and the next is roughly 12 hours and 25 minutes. It's important to note that these times may vary slightly depending on the location and time of year.

Using Tidepieces' Tide Clocks

Tidepieces' clocks are handcrafted and feature mechanical animations that indicate the current state of  the tide. Available in a variety of styles, including whimsical themes and location-based lighthouses, these nautical instruments are both decorative and practical. Here's how to use them to read tide times accurately.

Setting Up Tide Clocks

If you’re new to reading tide times or setting up tide clocks, we recommend consulting the recent post we wrote on how to do so. Learn the basics about how to set up a modern tide clock correctly, as well as several tips on caring for your instrument and features to consider when purchasing a tide clock.

Understanding the Tide Clock Display

Tidepieces' tide clocks have an animated display that shows the state of the tide. The animation is a great visual aid to help you understand when the tide is expected to come in or go out.

Understanding the Tide Range

Tide range refers to the difference between the height of high tide and the height of low tide. It's important to know the tide range for your location as it can affect beach access, water activities, and even the safety of the area. You can find the tide range information online or by checking with local businesses or newspapers..

Planning Your Activities

Once you understand how to read tide times and have a tide clock set up in your home, you can plan your beach activities accordingly. For example, if you're an angler, you might plan to fish during the part of the tide cycle when fish are mostly likely to be active.. If you're a beachgoer, you might plan to visit the beach during low tide when the tide pools are exposed and easy to explore. Understanding tide times can also help you plan a safe walk along the shore, ensuring you have enough time to return before the tide comes back in.

Reading tide times is an essential skill for those planning on spending time by the coast. Using Tidepieces' tide clocks can make the process easier and more enjoyable. With over 80 designs, we have a clock for everyone. Find your favorite theme or create a custom tide clock with us today!