Tide Clock Mechanism: How Does it Work?

Tide Clock Mechanism How Does it Work

Used for a variety of nautical-related activities, tide clocks help indicate when the tides are expected to come in in certain coastal areas. Understanding a tide clock mechanism can help users better appreciate and utilize these instruments in their everyday lives. Read on to learn more about the inner workings of a tide clock mechanism and how one can be useful in your life. 

What is a Tide Clock?

A tide clock is a device to show the changing of the tides in a given location. The clock is set to the location of a specific tidal area. Mechanical tide clocks like those sold at Tidepieces can be set to follow any location with regular tides, regardless of the location in the picture or one’s proximity to the coast. This type of mechanism is regularly used by anglers, crabbers, and people who live or spend time near the ocean.

In addition to being beautiful items of home decor, tide clocks are also useful tools that can be helpful in critical situations. Those looking to track the tide as it relates to a coastal storm may use tide clocks for safety. Knowing when to board up your windows ahead of a storm or when to avoid strolling by the water could be particularly useful for preventing flooding and keeping individuals safe. 

How Does a Tide Clock Mechanism Work?

Tide clocks operate according to a 24h 50 min cycle in sync with the orbit of the Moon around the earth. They indicate the interval between the tides (high and low). In most locations on Earth, tide intervals are 6h 12 1⁄2 minutes. Generally speaking, all mechanical tide clocks are built to work on this time interval. 

Reading the Tide Clock Mechanism

Reading a tide clock is relatively simple. The dial indicates the hours to the next change of the tide while the mechanically animated display shows the sea level as it changes in sync with the local tide. 

If you’re looking for more information on tide clocks or would like to get your very own, Tidepieces has it all for you. Find high quality, handcrafted tide clocks at Tidepieces today.