Where Will Tide Clocks Work Best?

Tide clocks are handy tools for those looking to keep track of the tides. Knowing when the tides are coming and going can be useful for a number of reasons. Anglers, crabbers, sailors, and people who live near the coast may all find value in having a tide clock. A common question amongst those who haven’t used these nautical instruments before is, “Where will tide clocks work best?”

There are a few basic things to know about tide clocks, the first of which being how it operates. We’ll go through the fundamentals here so you have a solid understanding of how tide clocks work, where they work best, and if location matters when you’re setting a tide clock.

What to Know About Mechanical Tide Clocks

The beauty of a mechanical tide clock is that these instruments can be set to any coastal location with a regular high and low tide. The tide change in most locations is quite rhythmic, with intervals from one tide to the next being about 6 hours, 12 ½ minutes apart. This is in accordance with the rhythm of the orbit of the Moon around the sun. It’s important to note that this differs from traditional clocks that tell time. Time-telling clocks operate according to the rotation of the Earth every 24 hours. Tidal days, on the other hand, are 24h 50 minutes. This is why the tide times are never exactly the same one day after another. 

Tide Clocks and Location

All mechanical tide clocks will work anywhere there is a regular high tide and low tide each day. This semidiurnal tide cycle covers a significant amount of territory all around the world. Regardless of your location, all you need to do to use a tide clock is set it once. After this, the clock should run reliably well with little to no adjustments. 

The only caveat is for users on the Pacific Coast. If you’re using a tide clock in this part of the world, you may need to adjust it according to the local time table from time to time. Additionally, mechanical tide clocks cannot be used to predict tides in the Gulf of Mexico.

Tide Clocks and Proximity to the Water

Another common misconception about tide clocks is that you have to be close to the water in order to use them. This couldn’t be further from the truth! While it’s common for those who live near the water or by the coast to have tide clocks, this is simply due to their lifestyle and is not a prerequisite by any means. This is great news, especially for people who don’t live near the water but want to feel connected to it.

Tide Clocks in the Home

As long as your tide clock has a working battery, you can place it anywhere in the home. We recommend displaying it in a prominent location so both you and visitors can appreciate it and its beauty. 

Tide clocks like those available at Tidepieces come with a variety of different features and animations. Some portray location-specific lighthouses while others have a whimsical theme. Whatever your preference, you’re sure to find the tide clock that speaks to your needs.  

Explore the world of tide clocks with high quality, mechanical instruments handcrafted by Tidepieces today!